Created: Tuesday, 11 February 2014 13:09

Scenarios 13. Februar 2014

"Do what you say and say what you do!" - this is one of our basic principles. Today we would like to fulfil the first bit by publishing our plans for the day.

The campaign map can be found here (click to enlarge):

Dresden2014 web 500

A printable version can be found here.

Info Phone of Dresden Nazifrei: 0351/41884999
Helpline in case of arrests: 0351/89960456
First Aid: 01577/0669645

German Tickers can be found at: (Smartphones, Tablets, ...) (WAP)

coloRadio (German only) is on air from 6 pm and available on 98,4 und 99,3 MHz and using their livestream at

We currently have 2 possible scenarios to start from which mainly depend to how the judicial trail between the Nazi Maik Müller (declared the rally) and the city terminates. In the more likely one of the two, the Nazis get to hold their rally close to the main station in the area of the Prager Strasse. This place is exceptionally easy to shield from anti-Nazi protestors. The other version would be that the Nazis gather either one one the following stations - "Dresden Mitte" or "Freiberger Strasse".

The Nazi rally is delcared from 6 pm but it is quite likely that Nazis loiter around town beforehand in both, small groups and as single members of the public. Naturally, there will be large number of police around. It is therefore highly important that you walk around town alone or small groups. Organise yourselves in peer groups (reference groups) as soon as possible!

We call for people to gather at the following 4 places in town:

1. From 2:00 pm onwards at the Schützenplatz. The march for traces of offenders (Täterspurenmahngang) will start from there on the route marked (dashed red line). It is supposed to last until 6:00 pm

2. From 4:30 pm - especially of interest for students: The demo of the student council (light red line) will start from there and terminate around 6:00 pm at Postplatz.

3. From 4:00 pm: General gatherring at the corner Schweriner / Hetha-Lindner-Strasse.

4. Also from 4:00 pm: Rally by the group "Churches and right wing extremism" at the corner Wilsdruffer Strasse/Galeriestrasse

You will be able to reach the blockades from all 4(!) points ? also from our march "Täterspurenmahngang"

We do an explicit and pronounced call to block the Nazis on 13/02/2014 in Dresden. Come to our blockade points. On them, you will be protected by the mere amount of people present and you will have an effective oppertunity to block the Nazis.

If we have any further news during the next days, we will keep you informed (check the german version of this website as well and as friends to translate!). Just stay alert and keep informed when you leave home.

We will have maps available on all our vehicles addressing the public on the day on a first-come-first-serve basis. To be sure, you can print you own map beforehand at home.



Created: Thursday, 06 February 2014 15:49

Preliminary Information Regarding This Years‘ Feb 13th

We are now able to give you some preliminary information regarding this years‘ Feb 13th.

Please note the following brief information:

  • Day of Action is 13/02/14
  • From 2:30 pm march for traces of offenders (Täterspurenmahngang) starting at Schützenplatz
  • All blockade scenarios will be published next Tuesday on this website
  • (English version may be delayed slightly!)
  • If you organise busses, please announce this at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (pgp key)
  • Save the day, keep warm and get organised in small groups.
  • there is an map you can use, made by "Kartographische Aktion":

Dresden2014 500

From 2 pm onwards, you can start gathering at the Schützenplatz for this year’s march for traces of offenders (Täterspurenmahngang). The opening rally will start at 2:30 pm and we aim to get going around 3 pm on the route marked on the map (click to enlarge). Between 5:30 and 6:00 pm the march is to reach the main station, where the closing rally will take place.

Furthermore, a demonstration organanised by the student council of the TU Dresden will start at 4:30 pm from Munich Square (Münchner Platz) also leading into town. This route also marked on the map, but tentative and subject to change.

Where exactly the Nazis will hold their rally is that piece of information, we will give to you as soon as we have reliable information on it. Until now it is only known that the city’s authorities demanded to shift it away from the Neumarkt (Church of our Lady – Frauenkirche). Please be aware that all this information is tentative and possibly subject to change. We will keep you informed on our website and updated information will be published next Tuesday.


Created: Sunday, 26 January 2014 14:34

Statement regarding the current situation

Throughout the last days we were repeatedly asked what we think of the current developments in Dresden. After the Nazis announced publically that they don't want to march anymore but to hold stationary rally instead, some newspapers already declared the Nazi-farewell for Dresden. Inevitably, this lead to doubts what is going to happen on this year's Feb 13th in Dresden. We therefore want to give you our point of view regarding this matter.
"Say what you do and do what you say" -- this was and is our motto. It is due this motto that we want to tell you in advance what we plan and expect for Feb 13th , so that all of us are prepared for the day. As usual, we would like to emphasise though that this may change in due course. It is, for example, depending on the ongoing debate between the Nazis and the city's authorities. So please stay aware and follow us on our website, facebook or twitter.

Currently, the following rallys and marches are announced towards the city's authorities:

For Feb 13th , the human chain, which is supposed to be built from 5 pm onwards and to be closed between 6 pm and 6:15 pm, and the announcement of the Nazis to gather on the "Neumarkt" directly in front of the church of our lady ("Frauenkirche") are known. However, this place is right in the area which is especially protected by the -- controversial -- saxon law for demonstrations and remembrance sites. Regardless of what we think of the law, it does influence the announced gatherings and rallys of the day. It is up to speculation why the Nazis deliberately conflict with the law and provoke taking this matter to the court. The only certainty is that the reasoning given on well-known Nazi homepages are not real and only stated to disguise their true reasoning. What matters is that we have to be prepared for 2 possible scenarios:
a) The city prohibits the gathering on the Neumarkt and that this remains standing at the following trial or b) the city prohibits it but the court allows the gathering afterwards anyway. Even then the Nazis won't be able to gather there since other groups, e.g. the church, announced their on rally on the very same site. Logically, the Nazis would have to be given an alternative spot in the city centre where it is uncertain how they plan to reach it.

We plan to do the following:

Independent of any Nazi statement will hold our own march for traces of offenders (Täterspurenmahngang) will take place in a way that everyone will be able come along and move around freely in the city centre afterwards. Hence, whoever is able to be in town from 2 pm is invited to come along. It is a declared and legal demonstration which you are entitled to go to in case the police tries to stop you. From 2:30 pm the opening rally will start with the actual demonstration to be on the move from 3 pm onwards. It is supposed to end at the main station between 5:30 and 6 pm. Currently, this seems like a perfect spot to reach eventual blockades against Nazis afterwards easily. We recommend anyone who cannot be around for the demonstration mentioned or is not interested in it, to be in the area of the city centre as early as possible. Additionally, a demonstration of the student union of the TU Dresden (StuRa) will start 4:40 pm from Munich square (Münchner Platz) and will also lead to the main station -- this may be of special interest to all students having exams beforehand. As usual, details of places where we ask people to go to will be announced 2 days ahead of Feb 13^th.

Why it is important to be on the streets in Dresden:

1. The switch of the Nazis towards a stationary rally is mainly a tactical decision of which the outcome is unknown and dependent on many factors. It might as well just be a sophisticated try get a march in the end. We are prepared for that but can block an eventual march only by the means of many people on the streets.
2. Even if there will be no march but a stationary rally only, it would still be important to give the Nazis not even the slightest sign of victory in Dresden. We have the chance to end the Nazi spook in Dresden's streets at least for Feb 13th once and for all if we manage to stop their last bits of action left by hindering also a rally. This must be the goal for all of us.
3. Many people joining us on the streets is also sign towards the Saxon authorities with their repression and continuing criminalisation of our antifascist commitment. The trials against Lothar, Tim, Bodo Ramelow or Markus Tervooren of VVN-BdA and other fellow antifascists are still ongoing. If you join us on the streets, you also signal solidarity with us against political justice and repression.
4. The last reason may just be the best one: On Feb, 13th we have the chance to top our established Nazi blockades of the recent years with an extraordinary success. We sealed the fate of the former largest Nazi march in Europe in 2012. The torch march on Feb, 13th followed in 2013. If we manage to see a year where we even mess up with their rally or don't see them at all, then our motto came true: Dresden Nazifrei! (Dresden Nazi-free). Of course, such thing would have to be celebrated this with a big party where mainy cheerful guests would be essential. Here, we also count on all of you.


Created: Sunday, 06 January 2013 22:37


If you need a sleeping place between the 12th and the 14th of november or if you can provide us with sleeping places, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (pgp-key).

50% discount on overnight stay on february 13 at the hostel "Lollies Homestay" (codeword "I eat Nazis for breakfeast").

On FEB 13 you can ask for sleeping places under 0351 426 900 05 (starting noon) or directly at "Linkswerk" (Schweriner Straße 50 a).