Created: Tuesday, 13 December 2011 23:40

Call for Action 2014






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Wieder Setzen! Nazis blockieren!

Sit down again! – Block Nazis!

No victim-myth and Nazi march

They are persistent: For many years now, Nazis gather in Dresden around February 13th for their so-called „Mourning March”. On the anniversary of the bombing of Dresden in World War II they aim at twisting history and deploying their myth of the “innocent city”. Due to the city’s questionable tradition of the “silent mourning”, the Nazis were able to find additional points to connect with the official ceremony, eventually establishing the largest Nazi march in Europe. Since 2010 however, a cross-spectra alliance calls for mass blockades. It was the solidarity of the many different partners forging one alliance which made them achieving their joint goal and the Nazis could be stop on the first attempt. Besides this, thousands of counter-demonstrates practiced civil disobedience in the following years as well and thus positioned themselves in opposition to racisms and twisting history. Their dedication marked a clear sign: The Nazis won’t get through with this. A significant rise of local people getting involved could eventually counterbalance a declining participation from other parts of Germany. Whilst 1500 Neonazis gathered for their torch parade in 2012, only 800 of them were left in 2013. One fact, however, remains certain: The big nationalistic march is and will remain history!

The alliance „Nazifrei – Dresden puts its foot down “ has been more than a pure action-bound alliance from its start. Another part of our successful track record is the “Täterspuren”, a remembrance walk to show traces of offences committed in Dresden during the Nazi regime. This walk committed a great deal towards a more aware approach regarding Dresden’s role in the Nazi regime and set a counterpoint to the official memorial policy. In order to continue the debate on a proper remembrance, this project will be carried on with.

To the day, the great courage of thousands of antifascists is still opposed by state-driven-repression. Public authorities continue to criminalise our protest by the means of prosecution and court proceedings. Prosecutors even went as far as omitting evidence and policemen and women making false statements during the trails. Even the infamous saxon judiciary didn’t allow them to get through with this, which is clearly indicated by the numerous non-guilty verdicts and abatements in the so-called “blockade-trials”. Despite of this, Saxon officials stick to their strategy of intimidation. This is driven by doctrine of extremism which levels Nazi activities and antifascist involvement. Baring the failure of the authorities at the NSU-murders in mind, this becomes even more scandalous. To us it is certain: We cannot leave antifascism to the state! We will continuously stand together for antifascism and against any attempt of authoritarian intimidation.

Even now Dresden is an important symbolic figure for the far-right. The Nazis keep on announcing marches and rallys throughout the year. As the alliance “Nazifrei – Dresden puts its foot down“ we are certain: This February, we will intervene again when the Nazis again attempt to transfigure history and to spread their inhuman ideology. Experience shows: Ignoring makes them stronger. We were successful up to now – we will also be successful in 2014.

The blockades were a formula of success and will remain our strategy. We will not provoke any escalation.

We show solidarity with everone sharing our aim of hindering the Nazi march. That remains certain.

We remain consequent: Civil disobedience is our right, blockades are legitimate.

Come along! Be with us! No paseran!

No more fascism! No more wars!